I was driving around on Sunday looking for poorly-planted trees and hit the mother lode at the Home Depot in King of Prussia. Pretty much every tree there has about 18 inches of mulch piled up on the poor little tree, which causes moisture to rot the trunk. Then fungus gets in and then insects, and then you have a dead tree -- sad, really. So for everyone out there, this is not good. You have been warned.
Anyhow, I made a wrong turn into a carpool parking lot which was also apparently a bus stop. A bike rack was there for all the cyclists, but instead of bikes on the rack there were not 1 but 2 devices to help the mobility-impaired among us. A wheelchair and a walker were both locked to the rack. My guess is that these folks wheel themselves to the bus stop, get off here, and go right to the liquor store which is the only thing around. Crazy.
If you are sensitive to foul language don't scroll down any further, but I couldn't resist sharing. A few weeks ago I made a wrong turn and saw this graffiti:
Apparently I make a lot of wrong turns. Gotta love Philly and the graffiti, although I'm not sure where whores are not supposed to go -- and what if you aren't driving a car with windows* to smash?
*or more accurately, your "window's" what?