Since Bryan left a week ago, my days in Nashville have been jam-packed.
I've been spending a lot of time here:
A 4-day orientation took up most of last week and classes started yesterday. It looks like I'll be spending more and more time at the Divinity School.
Organizing the house/my room in the house has taken some time, but here are some of the results:
Charming, yes? The house is settling so none of the lines are even - sometimes looking around makes you feel fun-house dizzy.
Getting to know my roommates (and the friends of my roommates) has taken up a good bit of time:
And thanks to furry gloves someone left in the closet, we've discovered that everyone has the right to bear hands.

I even made like a Tennessean and took advantage of a complimentary ticket to see the Titans:
When in Rome, right? It turns out that I have to bike right past the stadium on my way to Vanderbilt (like through the parking lot) so I figured it was a good chance to see what I'll otherwise be missing.
And of course, there's always* time for a little dancin':
(*For now, anyway. See comment above about impending hours at school.)
So far so good.
That, my dear, is an AMAZING refinished dresser.