Tuesday, June 22


It turns out that the best way to get started in a new phase is family...

and food...

and friends.

Well, okay, the dogs of friends, but everyone knows that admiring dogs is the best way to connect with other people. 

Phew, new blog, post one: done and done. 


  1. Those pretty sisters, those BROWN eggs, that pie, that adorable mountain goat, er, dog...! Hurrah for a picture-filled post.

  2. Hey there Sharon,
    Just wanted to welcome you home. I hope all is well in Philly. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you... and hoping we can catch up sometime soon. Give me a call.. as I do not have any current phone numbers for you all. Tell Bryan we say hi....
    talk to you soon.
    -Jeremy, Liz, Josiah, Alizah, and Baby T

  3. Ummm...that picture of you with the dog is hilarious. We miss you guys!
