Over the past year we did manage to blog about some of the highlights of 2011, including my day trip to Memphis:
the ongoing improvements in the sideyard and our adventures in gardening:
and my youngest brother's wedding (hooray!).
We did not find time to blog about our around-town adventures:
That's Bryan at an art show, contributing to a zine about handwriting.
Our picking/harvesting/foraging/collecting/eating:
We may have mentioned food a time or two, but just look at that! Nothing
makes you miss July on a 20-degree day like gallons of fresh blueberries...
many good times with family:

the miles and miles of [uphill] biking we've done:
or the fermentation workshop with Sandor Katz (!) I attended in November.
Yes, it was amazing! And I scored a Nashville kambucha starter
along with my portion of that vat of fermenting vegetables...
2012 will be equally full as there are many changes on the horizon - most exciting, the chance that we might live together again! We'll keep you posted, I promise.
Happy New Year, you two. Diggin' the new blog look. Let's skype soon?!