Sunday, July 17

Nothing says summer like outdoor adventures

Seriously, who's been interested in indoor sports like blogging? Not us. We've been busy

Attending beekeeping talks in West Philly:

(Did you know that harmful hive-mites get helplessly lost just a few inches away from the comb? The strategy is to overcome the problem by cross-breeding all species of bees to carry the mites outdoors and dump them.)

Enjoying birthday injera at our favorite Ethiopian restaurant:

Swimming in the Wissahickon with a friend:

Installing a green wall on Drexel's campus (guess which one of us did this):

Finding eggy evidence of happy vermicomposting worms:

Digging potatoes from the garden:

Making hot-weather suppers of delicious open-faced sandwiches and cold potato & bean salad:

Enjoying no less than 25 independent neighborhood fireworks shows from the roof of our house on the 4th:

(Why brave the crowds at the Art Museum when fireworks shows surround you?)

We've also been doing the usual berry picking, gardening, reading, cooking, and spending time with friends. And here's to more of the same.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad there are no photos of karaoke-table singers!

    I'm actually commenting to say hello! and share my current favorite summer salad- with your garden bounty you'll enjoy this! My only change is using dill instead of the other herbs listed- but you can't go wrong, I think!

